Minisymposia > Coupling methods for the local enrichment of FE models


Coupling methods for the local enrichment of FE models

Pierre Gosselet (LMT-Cachan, France)
Jean-Charles Passieux (Université de Toulouse, France)
Ernst Rank (TU München, Germany)

The quality of simulations in solid mechanics is often limited by practical considerations like the available hardware, software and human resources. As a result, it is almost never possible to use a complex predictive numerical model at the scale of the structure. In general, the sizing is obtained after alternating computations on a global simplified model able to represent the trends in the structure, and on local precise models able to represent all critical phenomena at the small scales.

This framework is very fertile and it has allowed the emergence of the variety of numerical methods dedicated to multi-scale and/or multi-model computing. Amongst them some are able to make use of commercial software as black boxes ; they can thus benefit their ergonomic environment and all their modeling and computing capabilities.

We invite all authors to present their recent results on coupling methods for the local enrichment of models, in particular on the following topics:

  • definition and mathematical analysis of patch methods, based on domain decomposition, multigrid, partition of unity,
  • efficiency of the coupling, acceleration of the solver,
  • coupling between incompatible meshes, or incompatible models (plate/3D...),
  • validation of the obtained model, error estimation,
  • implementation issues, interaction with commercial software (non-intrusivity or weak-intrusivity),
  • applications to local refinement, plasticity, damage, fracture, uncertainties, dynamics...
  • transient local enrichment and coarsening for time-dependent problems.
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