Conference venue > About Ferrara


Founded in the 6th Century, Ferrara reached its highest splendour and prestige during the Renaissance period with the Este family, who hosted the most important scholars, writers and artists of the era and have left indelible signs everywhere: above all, in the colossal project of expansion and architectural embellishment of the town called Addizione Erculea, in buttressing the defensive system of the walls, and in the impressive pictorial cycles painted during the  Quattrocento and Cinquecento, the heyday of Italian Renaissance.

In 1995, the historic centre of Ferrara was included into UNESCO World Heritage list as a wonderful example of an outstanding planned Renaissance town which has retained its urban fabric virtually intact. In 1999, the listing was extended to include the area of the Po Delta and pleasure palaces, so now the inscription is “Ferrara, town of the Renaissance and its Po Delta.

The University of Ferrara offers a unique historical environment. Magnificent reminiscences of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance live on in palaces, houses, churches, museums, squares, courtyards and alleys. Far from being shrouded in the past, Ferrara is a cyclist- and pedestrian-friendly sustainable town where young people can experience a high quality of life, take advantage of well-maintained infrastructures, and pleasantly blend in. Fostering innovative views of the future supported by deeply rooted cultural traditions is a primary goal of the University of Ferrara, which offers a broad range of BA and MA degrees and PhDs in the sciences and the humanities. The whole town is a lively campus thriving on the interaction between national and international students.





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