A discontinuous-skeletal method for advection-diffusion-reaction on general meshes Daniele Di Pietro, Jérôme Droniou, Alexandre Ern sciencesconf.org:x-dms2015:58391
Convection-adapted BEM-based Finite Element Method on Tetrahedral and Polyhedral Meshes Clemens Hofreither, Ulrich Langer, Steffen Weißer sciencesconf.org:x-dms2015:61937
Bijective Finite Element Method Teseo Schneider, Patrick Zulian, Rolf Krause, Kai Hormann sciencesconf.org:x-dms2015:62157
Low-order reconstruction operators on polyhedral meshes Jérôme Bonelle, Daniele Di Pietro, Alexandre Ern sciencesconf.org:x-dms2015:63232
A Virtual Element Method for the Cahn-Hilliard equation Lourenco Beirao da Veiga sciencesconf.org:x-dms2015:63272
Application of the virtual element method to non-conforming contact interfaces Wilhelm Rust, Peter Wriggers, Batmanathan Dayanand Reddy sciencesconf.org:x-dms2015:63453
A Virtual Element Method for some Structural Mechanics problems Carlo Lovadina, Lorenzo Beirao da Veiga, David Mora sciencesconf.org:x-dms2015:63594
Multigrid algorithms for hp-version Discontinuous Galerkin methods on polygonal and polyhedral meshes Paola F. Antonietti, Paul Houston, Marco Sarti, Marco Verani sciencesconf.org:x-dms2015:64118
Basic principles of hp Virtual Element Methods Lorenzo Mascotto, Lourenco Beirao da Veiga, Alessandro Russo, Alexey Chernov sciencesconf.org:x-dms2015:64297
Virtual element approximation of the Steklov eigenvalue problem David Mora, Gonzalo Rivera, Rodolfo Rodríguez sciencesconf.org:x-dms2015:64597
hp-Version Discontinuous Galerkin Methods on Polytopic Meshes Paul Houston, Paola Antonietti, Andrea Cangiani, Zhaonan Dong, Emmanuil Georgoulis, Stefano Giani sciencesconf.org:x-dms2015:64676
The Nonconforming Virtual Element Method for the Convection-Diffusion-Reaction Equation Gianmarco Manzini sciencesconf.org:x-dms2015:64722
The Virtual Element Method for Discrete Fracture Network simulations Stefano Berrone, Matias Benedetto, Andrea Borio, Sandra Pieraccini, Stefano Scialo sciencesconf.org:x-dms2015:64730
Mixed Virtual Element Methods for general second order elliptic problems on polygonal meshes Luisa Donatella Marini, Lourenco Beirão da Veiga, Franco Brezzi, Alessandro Russo sciencesconf.org:x-dms2015:64781
Virtual Element Methods for general second order elliptic problems on polygonal meshes Alessandro Russo, Lourenco Beirão da Veiga, Franco Brezzi, Luisa Donatella Marini sciencesconf.org:x-dms2015:64861
Spectral Properties and Conservation Laws in Mimetic Finite Difference Methods for PDEs Giuseppe Vacca, Luciano Lopez sciencesconf.org:x-dms2015:64875
Virtual Element Methods for Elliptic Problems Andrea Cangiani sciencesconf.org:x-dms2015:64896
A Plane Wave Virtual Element Method for the Helmholtz Problem paola pietra, Ilaria Perugia, Alessandro Russo sciencesconf.org:x-dms2015:65789
Can h-multigrid redeem coupled variables dG discretizations of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations? Lorenzo Botti sciencesconf.org:x-dms2015:76028